So after the geek test below.. I played around on the same site and got the following results.
I am 9% Idiot.
I am not annoying at all. In fact most people come to me for advice. Of course they annoy the hell out of me. But what can I do? I am smarter than most people.
I am, of course.. a frggin’ genius.. 🙂
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Another test showing my complete adherence to the geek side..
I am 59% Geek.
Nerd, Freak, Geek, Dweeb. Sound familiar? That’s okay, cause I will be the richest person at my 15th year high school reunion. If a “con” isn’t happening that weekend.
Another fairly accurate test. 🙂
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Silly Online Quizzes
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Went online and downloaded the new 2.00 firmware for my PSP before it was available via the normal online upgrade link.. not even sure if it’s available there yet.
You can see a (very blurry) snap of the new menu entry for the browser:

And here I’m viewing my site:

Pretty cool, but entering text is way too slow.
Apache logs for the browser hits look like so.. – – [27/Jul/2005:17:50:41 -0700] “GET /styles-site.css HTTP/1.1” 200 4160 “” “Mozilla/4.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 2.00)” – – [28/Jul/2005:01:42:41 -0700] “GET /styles-site.css HTTP/1.1” 200 4160 “” “Mozilla/4.0 (PSP (PlayStation Portable); 2.00)”
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Misc, My l337 skillz
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Well, it took basically the whole day, and well into the night (as the posting time for this entry shows) but I finally got my server updated. I bought the new server months ago, but kept putting off the swapout again and again. Finally did it today though, since I’m starting a couple week’s vacation.
So now, I’m running a dual Opteron 250, 2Gig, 4x200Gig SATA disks (in a HW RAID-10 config with a 3ware Escalade card). W00t..
Of course.. I’m running 64bit. 😀
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Redsugar’s post made me think of the times that I’ve had one of those, “man.. that made me feel old,” moments in life. Sure, some people will think that, at 32 years old, I’m too young to have those moments… but I do. Here are a few that come to mind:
- I bought a copy of “The Lost Boys” to add to my collection awhile ago at Best Buy. When I got to the register to pay, the young girl working it looked at the cover and said, “Is this Keifer Sutherland? Wow! This must’ve been made ages ago!!” Yeah.. way back in 1987. Even worse, she was probably still a baby then.
- Anytime it dons on me, again.. that people born up to 1985 are already in their 20’s.
- When my little nephew talks about Star Wars, which he’s into bigtime. Just like I was… and he’s the same age I was back when the original movies came out.
- I’m a huge fan of the new Battlestar Galactica on the SciFi Channel.. and when I realize that it’s been 27 years!! since the original aired.. which I remember watching when it was new.
- When my nieces and nephews complain about how slow their internet connection is at home. Their broadband connection (cable modem).. and I started out with a 1200baud modem, at age 13. They’ve not only been online their entire lives, but had the internet. I started out on local BBSes, and even ran a few in my time.
- Realizing those same nieces and nephews have never known a world without cell phones. My first personal exposure being to the huge phone my father got when he started his business, when I was 17 or so. It was from Motorola (IIRC) and was one of the smallest, yet still powerful enough to be used anywhere around town at the time. It was a case about the size of a thick, hardcover book, with a strap to hang it over your shoulder, and the handset was corded. Now even every kid has a cellphone.. and some are so damn small it’s crazy. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, watch the original Lethal Weapon and there’s a scene on a bridge where Danny Glover uses similar large phone.
- Thinking it doesn’t seem that long ago that we were so occupied with y2k crap at work… and that it’s already been more then 5 years since then.
Well, that’s all I can think of, off the top of my head at 10am on a Saturday… if I think of more, I’ll add them later. 🙂
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Summer was playing with yet another young opossum in the yard just a bit ago. What’s with these things? I can understand that maybe the dead one under the deck was their parent, but you’d think they’d see the huge dog in the yard and avoid her.
What really sucks is when I chase her down to get her to stop, and she runs into the house with the damn thing. Blech.. I don’t want those things in the house. At least they’re still playing possum when she does it.
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[ Music: Burn:Cycle Theme from the album “Burn:Cycle Soundtrack” by Simon Boswell & Chris Whitten ]
Well, looks like the fun with dead critters is over. Or at least I hope to hell it is.
Was at work too late last night to do anything (was dark by the time I got home) but tonight I made it home with a few minutes of sunlight left, and went out back to check on things. The smell is gone (well, there might be a tiny hint left, but that’s it). I went ahead and hammered the boards I’d removed back into place like they were before too. Will have to get a nice large piece of wood to nail over the main hole in order to reinforce it so that noone falls through where I cut though.
That was just another joyful experience of being a homeowner.. hope I don’t have to do it again.
Oh, and I grabbed a few rocks from the other side of the yard and plugged up the one obvious hole where critters could get in/out of there too. Hopefully there aren’t other places where they can, but I’m betting that small critters can get in or out pretty much all around the decking.
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So after [Sunday’s fun], yesterday I had to get to work. I spent a good chunk of the day pulling and cutting boards to get under my deck. I finally located a dead skunk just under the upper deck section, dead center (side to side) of my spa. It was just out of my reach and I really didn’t want to handle the thing (plus I’d read on the San Diego Animal Control page that it’s unlawful to dispose of dead critters like that in the trash) so I called a [private animal control company] that disposes of them for you.
It wasn’t cheap, but was well worth it afterall. The guy was there within an hour (yep, on the 4th) and he removed the skunk… he also realized that it wasn’t responsible for the smell and stuck his head under the deck (something I _really_ didn’t want to do) and spotted a huge dead opossum that was dead center (both ways) under the spa. He went and got a pole he had to grab things from a distance and was able to get it out… it was freaking rank. Even he was almost overcome by the smell and he deals with that kind of stuff pretty often.
So in the end.. things look clear, the smell should dissapate pretty quickly, and things will be back to normal soon.
I really need to either redo the whole deck (lots of termite damage I noticed as pulling planks) or just remove the damn thing and have cement laid out there.
Thank God the nasty bits are over though…
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Had our first family get-together at my house today… 4th and my sister’s birthday together. Unfortunately, seems something must’ve died under my decking, the smell kicked in a little yesterday (we hoped it was the bird poop that was on the deck and hosed off but seems not). Got worse today. Tomorrow will be a fun adventure for me trying to find it under the decking (seems to be under the spa) and figuring out how to get it out without making it worse. Might end up having to call a removal specialist or something.
To cap off the evening.. I just saved an opossum from my dog… for the 2nd time! Stupid thing. She snagged it in the yard a bit ago.. suddenly it was too quiet, then I heard an odd yip/bark from the dog that let me know she was after something. It was clearly playing possum (or was dead) so I scooped it up with a plastic plate.. /hey I’m not touching the damn thing.. :)/ and I put it out to the front/side of the house. 30 minutes later.. she’s out there again, and too quiet, so I check.. she’s got the same one again. Gah. Door’s closed and locked now. Summer’s anxious and wants out, but she’s not going… ah.. and she’s finally settling down now as I type this.
I’ll have to update tomorrow with the gruesome dead animal details.. blech.
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If you have an amd64 based system like I do, and wanted to test out the Windows XP x64 edition, but also realize that it might be a good idea to have the 32bit XP installed too, learn from my mistake. You can dual boot them just fine… _but_ you *have to install x64 AFTER 32bit XP*.
Imaging my surprise when I went to boot back into x64 after installing XP on my 2nd HDD only to be greeted with a “Unable to load %windows%/system32/ntoskrnl.exe file, please replace file” or something similar.
Searching the web and even MS’s knowledge base (which pathetically doesn’t even have the x64 edition listed as a product to search yet… lovely) left me trying my own stuff. Turns out the only fix was to do a repair install. For those that don’t know, that’s not the repair console.. you boot off the cd and go through the steps to install windows, but after you choose the partition that already has x64 on it, it’ll say it sees it. It’ll then ask you to hit R to do the “repair install” or to hit return to do a fresh one. The repair install seems to load the default data off the cd again, but the good news is that you don’t lose anything. Thankfully when I finally booted x64 again, it was just like I left it. Though that damn repair install took a good 1/2 hour, not to mention the 2 hours I spent searching the net and trying things in the repair console like the bootcfg command.
My educated guess is that the bootloader loaded by 32bit XP couldn’t bootstrap into 64bit mode for the x64 kernel.. whereas the x64 one can, and can drop back into 32bit mode when loading normal XP. It makes logical sense once I realized that’s what the problem was.. but I find it frustrating that there’s no info on that on the MS site (at least that any searching I did could find) and that it took such a long run to fix it for the fix that worked. It’s especially frustrating that there’s no data on MS’ site when my searches showed that I’m nowhere near the only person that’s run into this problem either.
Oh yeah.. not to mention that I couldn’t even install x64 origianlly without disabling my onboard sata controller (even though I was installing on PATA disks).. another thing I figured out on my own. If I didn’t disable it, the first boot into the setup program (after booting from CD and watching it copy files to the hdd) would just hang. Pathetic for a brand new windows release.
*sigh* lesson learned I guess…
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