I’ve upgraded to the latest MT 3.1x version. Yeah, I paid for it… I figured it was worth it to get some of the new features and especially to gain the typekey integration.
Yes, you’ll have to get a typekey account now to post here, but it’s anonymous, free.. and it’ll block the spam I’ve been getting in posts lately. I’m tired of ads for penis enlargement stuff.
I’ve been playing with the stylesheets and stuff too, so if you notice something screwy.. let me know.
oh.. and here’s a pic to test that new bit..

That’s a shot of the view from my new office. Overlooking the 805 there.
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Yet another quiz…
Ha ha.. Yes! Paranoid.. sweet. Don’t think this one is very accurate, mostly because questions were too broad, plenty of them were too “well, I do agree with this in some situations, but not all.”
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Don’t really understand why the quiz is “which enemy” since there are religious answers too.. but…
I am Nothing!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Take More of Robert & Tim’s Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim’s Cartoons
Pretty accurate.
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So many in the EU claim (though they mention “tongue in cheek”) that they “Won” the olympics with their 82 golds and 286 total medals.. The US is next with 35 golds and 103 total. There’s also talk about EU athletes carrying the EU flag to show their unity in the 2008 games.
OK.. I’m all for that. But of course, that means that they don’t get to have up to 25 teams per event (1 team per each of the 25 EU countries that participated this year) anymore.. only 1. Or, if they prefer, the US gets to have 50 teams per event… 1 per state, since the EU seems to imply in some cases that their individual countries are basically like the US’ states.
All in all, this claim of their’s is just stupid. As if 25 countries vs 1 in all other cases (US, China, Russia, etc) is anything close to fair when comparing medals.
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I spent last week in San Francisco attending the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo at the Moscone center. While there, I stayed at a nice hotel, right across the street from Moscone. The hotel is marketed as super “hip” and “cool”… whatever, it was a hotel. Sure, it was decent, though I found it ironic that for a hotel marketed with ipod parties and such that there was a big lack of available electrical sockets, zero near the desk where the internet service’s ethernet hookup was. And $46 a night for parking?!? with no self-parking available (which seems to be the norm in downtown SF IME)… ouch.
On my last night there (Thursday night) I decided to get room service for dinner. I always like to get it at least once when I stay in a hotel, just for kicks. The food was great, made at the restaurant off the lobby from what I understand. The meal was delivered on a wooden tray with a placemat on it. For some reason I turned up the corner of the placemat while eating, and noticed some papers underneath. 2 of them were a printout (and carbon) of the kitchen’s copy of my order (I’m guessing).. the other was a slip of paper that the person who took my order had used to take notes as I ordered. When I flipped this slip of paper over, I was shocked to see that it was the torn off, top of a printout of a past guest’s bill/summary. It was dated from last December, and what really bothered me was that it had the last name of the guest, and the guest’s entire visa card number!! That’s right.. no numbers were blocked out, or just left blank, but it had the entire card’s number.
Talk about careless handling of people’s very important information. If this is how they save paper at this hotel, by reusing such printouts for scraps… they need to take a serious look at what they’re doing. I held onto that paper and made a point to give it to, and let the staff know what I’d found when checking out, and they sounded sincere.. but who knows, they might just continue doing it anyway assuming people won’t notice.
This is just an example of the kind of thing that makes me just laugh when people say they’re afraid to buy things online, for fear of their credit card number getting out there and being used for fraud. Just make sure the site is well known, and definitely that the checkout forms are encrypted (look for the little padlock and make sure it’s closed). People are still scared to use online shops… but they’ll let a waiter/waitress walk away with their card at a restaurant, or a hotel keep their number on file.
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I love to read Sowell’s articles each week, as he often writes such gems. A two parter he wrote quite awhile ago is, in my opinion, required reading for anyone that’s going to talk about taxes and fairness of them. Those are Who’s Rich? and Who’s Rich? Pt 2. The crux of these articles is to try to get one to know the difference between wealth, and income. So many people rail on the “wealthy” and/or “rich” for not paying their fair share, but don’t seem to equate these people’s incomes and tax.
Just recently however, good ol’ Tom just wrote another great two parter about the media in the US and how they’re showing the prison abuses in Iraq nearly every second of the day, yet barely mention things like the beheading of an American, and definitely seem to avoid any good news no matter what it takes. These articles The Hyena Press and Pt. 2 make a point that should really put our “atrocities” in the prisons in comparison to the evil that was done in Iraq in the past. This paragraph alone is just beautiful:
The military hasn’t even delayed a court martial. In the civilian world, Scott Peterson was arrested before all this happened in Iraq and his trial still has not yet begun, while the court martial of the Iraqi soldiers will begin this month.
Think about that. Our military was already investigating what had happened, and was moving to punish those responsible. Yet here is a case that’s been all over the news (at least in California… and I went to the same High School as Scott Peterson too) and it’s yet to actually go to trial yet. Last I saw they were still working on choosing the jury.
Looks like our military is making sure that justice is done quickly to me. Funny the media doesn’t seem to point that out very much, other then to use it as a springboard to talk about the so-called “atrocities” again.
Please spend a few minutes each week and read the latest article from Sowell, at Townhall.com.
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Vegas Baby… April 28, 2004 at
7:59 pm
So I’m heading to Vegas this weekend with some friends. Man I’m looking forward to it. 🙂
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Now here’s someone really stretching to find a thing to base a quiz on… oh well, I did it anyway. 🙂

You’re Jurassic Park!
by Michael Crichton
You combine all the elements of a mad scientist, a brash philosopher,
a humble researcher, and a money-hungry attracter of tourists. With all these features,
you could build something monumental or get chased around by your own demons. Probably
both, in fact. A movie based on your life would make millions, and spawn at least two
sequels thatwouldn’t be very good. Be very careful around islands.
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
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So today makes 1 year to the day that I gave up drinking sodas. Now this might not sound like much, but those who know me know that I used to drink a ton of soda. I drank nothing but diet sodas because that’s what I was used to. In my experience, soda, much like normal vs non-fat milk takes time to switch between as you get used to one’s taste and the other is actually nasty at first
Anyway, I used to drink more then a 12 pack in cans a day easy. When I say easy, I mean that a 12 pack was almost a bare minimum. I used to also keep 2liter bottels of soda in the frig at home and drink from those on top of the cans that I would drink at work. I would drink even more then that if I was really focused working on a script or something elase at work that keep me working long stretches non-stop… I could just blow through cans like you wouldn’t believe.
So last March 15th, I just decided to stop.. I realized that all that carbonated soda (not to mention the nutrasweet) couldn’t be good for me.. and I was tired of having to get up to pee several times a night. Boy those first few days were tough too. I just quit cold turkey (had run out of soda and just didn’t buy more). Headaches were bad for almost a week, but the Monday and Tue were the worst.
Now, a year later, and I’ve had less sodas in a year then I used to drink in a typical day. I’ll still have a very occasional soda during a family get-together or when eating out… but I don’t buy it and keep it in the house anymore.
Boy I drink a lot of water now… 🙂
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…of the day I got Summer from the Humane Society. She’s been a great dog and in 2 years I think we’ve missed a total of 20 days worth of walks… she keeps me from falling out of that habit.
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